May 2016 – Left to right: (back) Mukesh Bachhav (Post-doc. Now scientist at Idaho Nat. Lab.), Elaina Anderson (M.S.), Peng-Wei Chu (PhD. now at TSMC), Kevin Fisher (PhD. now at Bettis), Adam McFarland (M.S. Now at Mahle), Yan Lao (PD), Emmanuelle Marquis (PI)
(front) Tim Chen (B.S.), Vic Araullo-Peters (Post-doc. now at ETH – Zurich), Ellen Solomon (PhD. now at Engineering Systems Inc.), Yan Dong (PhD. now at Applied Materials), Talia Barth (GS)
Former members
- Eli Rotman
- Isabelle Hopf
- Heather Hare
- Dr Anshul Kamboj (Currently postdoc at Idaho National Laboratory)
- Austin Lan
- Benjamin Routhier
- Dr Tian Liu (Currently at Pacific Northwest National Lab)
- Kate Moo
- Aaron Cooke
- Dr Kathleen Chou (Currently R&D engineer at Eaton)
- Dr Iman Ghamarian (Currently assistant professor at the University of Oklahoma)
- Dr Li-Jen Yu (currently at TSMC, Taiwan)
- Dr Talia Barth (currently at LAM Research)
- David Allen
- Malhar Kute
- Elaina Anderson
- Dr Ellen Solomon, PhD. (currently Faculty Research Program Manager for the MDP program at UM
- Dr Kevin Fisher, PhD. (currently at Bettis)
- Dr Peng-Wei Chu, PhD. (currently Assistant Professor at National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
- Larissa Woryk
- Dr Yan Dong
- Dr Mukesh Bachhav (currently technical staff at Idaho National Laboratory)
- Dr Vicente Araullo-Peters
- James Mohan
- Riley Bohr
- Adam McFarland
- Dr Lan Yao
- Timothy Chan
- Maureen Dawn
- Lindsay Purvis
- Graham Keep
- Yuling Liu
- Yuxiang Zhang
- Craig Shaner
- Thomas Bajis
- Andrew Chen
- Dr Yimeng Chen (APT Application Scientist at Cameca Instruments Inc., Madison, WI)
- Steven Walker
- Benjamin Uttal-Berof
- Reshma Mathew
- Dr Allen Hunter (Currently Instrument Scientist at (MC)2 at UM)
- Julia Kohanek
- Sean Gray
- Dr Rong Hu, DPhil 2013, Oxford
- Dr Ceri Williams, DPhil 2012, Oxford
- Dr Tong Li, DPhil 2012, Oxford (Currently Assistant Professor at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum. Germany)
- Thomas Rousseau, Stage d’ingenieur 2010, Oxford