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- Materials Laboratories of the Future for Alloys, Amorphous, and Composite Materials, S Banerjee; S Meng; A Minor, et al. MRS Bulletin (2024)
- Unexpected Field Evaporation Sequence in γ-TiAl: Interpreting Field Evaporation Through Dynamic Bond-breaking Processes, J Qi, F Xue, EA Marquis, W Windl. Acta Materialia. Submitted (2024) arXiv:2311.15472
- On the analysis of radiation-induced segregation at ion-irradiated grain boundaries, DF Offidani, E Martinez, EA Marquis, Journal of Nuclear Materials (2025) 605, 155533 link
- Short crack behavior of an additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V alloy under ultrasonic high cycle fatigue testing, R Roumina, RK Rhein, JW Jones, EA Marquis. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures (2024) link
- Phase Decomposition in a non-equimolar CrFeNiMn Alloy During Thermal Aging, A Kamboj, N Perry, EA Marquis, Materialia (2024) 36, 102146 link
- Role of nitrogen in the high-temperature oxidation of titanium alloys, TC Valenza, PK Weber, EA Marquis, Corrosion Science (2024) 112164 link
- Achieving high strength-ductility synergy via Guinier-Preston zone formation in a new Mg-Zn-Al-Ca-Mn-Ce sheet alloy, J Miao, F Xue, T Liu, T Avey, EA Marquis, AA Luo, Materials Science and Engineering A. (2024) 146586 link
- Microstructural responses of CrFeNiMn and CrFeNiCoPd under ion irradiation, A Kamboj, N Perry, EA Marquis, Journal of Nuclear Materials (2024) 589, 154837 link
- Dose dependence of precipitation in RPV steels under ion irradiation, A Kamboj, N Almirall, S Turney, EA Marquis, GR Odette, Journal of Nuclear Materials (2024) 588, 154772 link
Conference Proceedings
- Formation of the γʹʹʹ-Ni2(Cr, Mo, W) phase during a two-step aging heat treatment in HAYNES® 244® Alloy, T Mann, V Tucker, P Kenesei, J-S Park, R Roumina, EA Marquis, MG Fahrmann, MS Titus. Superalloys 2024.
- Role of niobium in the high-temperature oxidation of titanium, TC Valenza, PK Weber, EA Marquis, Corrosion Science (2023) 225, 111603 link
- Effects of Cu and pre-aging on the clustering behavior in Al-Mg-Si alloys, T Liu, J Scholtz, F Xue, A Yung, G Guiglionda, EA Marquis, Materialia (2023) 32, 101917, link
- The effect of Phosphorus on precipitation in irradiated reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steels, A Kamboj, MN Bachhav, M Dubey, N Almirall, T Yamamoto, EA Marquis, GR Odette, Journal of Nuclear Materials (2023) 585, 154614 link
- Protective role of silicon in the high-temperature oxidation of titanium, TC Valenza, P Chao, PK Weber, OK Neill, EA Marquis, Corrosion Science (2023) 217, 111110 link
- Origin of Enhanced Zone Lines in Field Desorption Maps, J Qi, C Oberdorfer, EA Marquis, W Windl, Scripta Materialia (2023) 230, 115406 link
- Ab initio simulation of field evaporation, J Qi, C Oberdorfer, EA Marquis, W Windl, Physical Review Materials, Physical Review Materials (2022) 6, 093602 link.
- Dynamic Localized Phase Transformation at Stacking Faults during Creep Deformation and New Criterion for Superalloy Design, L Feng, A Egan, F Xue, EA Marquis, MJ Mills, Y Wang, MRS Communications (2022) link
- Role of diffusion-induced grain boundary migration in the oxidation response of a Ni-30Cr alloy, F Xue, EA Marquis, Acta Materialia (2022) 240, 118343 link
- Grain boundary transport through thermally grown alumina scales on NiAl, TL Barth, PK Weber, T Liu, F Xue, L Backman, E Opila, TC Valenza, EA Marquis, Corrosion Science (2022) 209 110798 link
- Local Phase Transformation Strengthening at Microtwin Boundaries in Nickel Based Superalloys, AJ Egan, F Xue, Y Rao, G Sparks, EA Marquis, M Ghazisaeidi, S Tin, MJ Mills, Acta Materialia (2022) 238, 118206 link
- Al2O3 grain boundary segregation in a thermal barrier coating on a Ni-based Superalloy, Y Chen, KP Rice, TJ Prosa, RC Reed, EA Marquis, Microscopy & Microanalysis (2022) 28(5), 1453-1462 link
- Effect of dose rate on the phase stability of CrFeNiMn alloy, A Kamboj, EA Marquis, Scripta Materialia (2022) 215 114697 link
- Role of Oxygen on the Precipitation and Deformation Behavior of an Aged β Ti-15Mo Alloy, K Chou, N. Li, EA Marquis, J Alloys and Compounds (2022) 891 161811 link
- Enhanced work hardening from oxygen-stabilized ω precipitates in an aged metastable β Ti-Nb alloy, K Chou, N. Li, EA Marquis, Acta Materialia (2021) 220 117302 link
- Oxygen-induced refinement of α precipitates in an aged metastable β Ti-15-333 alloy, K Chou, O Neill, EA Marquis, Scripta Materialia (2021) 205 114206 link
- Perspectives on multiscale modelling and experiments to accelerate materials development for fusion,K Arakawa, Z Bergstrom, MJ Caturla, SL Dudarev, F Gao, MR Gilbert, AM Goryaeva, SY Hu, X Hu, RJ Kurtz, A Litnovsky, J Marian, M-C Marinica, E Martinez, EA Marquis, DR Mason, BN Nguyen, P Olsson, Y Osetskiy, D Senor, W Setyawan, MP Short, T Suzudo, JR Trelewicz, T Tsuru, GS Was, BD Wirth, L Yang, Y Zhang, SJ Zinkle, Journal of Nuclear Materials (2021) 554 153113 link
- Precipitation in proton and ion irradiated Alloy 625 Plus, L-J Yu, EA Marquis, Journal of Nuclear Materials (2021) 553 153040 link
- Effects of minor alloying elements on alumina transformation during the transient oxidation of β-NiAl, TL Barth, EA Marquis, Oxidation of Metals (2021) 95 (3) 293-309 link
- Atom probe tomography characterization of ion- and neutron- irradiated Alloy 800H, T Liu, ER Reese, I Ghamarian, EA Marquis Journal of Nuclear Materials (2020) 543 152598 link
- Morphological classification of dense objects in atom probe tomography data, I Ghamarian, EA Marquis. Ultramicroscopy (2020) 215 112996 link. Codes (DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3724970) are available here. Please send us feedback!
- Microstructural responses of Alloys 625 and Alloy 625 Plus under ion and proton irradiations, L-J Yu, EA Marquis, JOM (2020) link
- Microstructure response of ferritic/martensitic steel HT9 after neutron irradiation: Effect of temperature, C Zheng, ER Reese, KG Field, T Liu, EA Marquis, SA Maloy, D Kaoumi, Journal of Nuclear Materials (2020) 528 151845 link
- Localized corrosion at nm-scale hardening precipitates in Al-Cu-Li alloys, Y Zhu, JD Poplawsky, S Li, RR Unocic, LG Bland, CD Taylor, JS Locke, EA Marquis, GS Frankel, Acta Materialia (2020) 189(1) 204-213 link
- Quantification of solute topology in atom probe tomography data: application to the microstructure of a proton-irradiated Alloy 625, I Ghamarian, L-J Yu, EA Marquis, Metall. Mater. Trans A (2020) 51 42-50 link
- Oxygen effects on ω and α phase transformations in a metastable β Ti-Nb alloy, K Chou and EA Marquis, Acta Materialia (2019) 181 367-376 link
- Precipitation behavior of Alloy 625 and Alloy 625 Plus, L-J Yu and EA Marquis, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2019). 811 151916 link
- Microstructure response of ferritic/martensitic steel HT9 after neutron irradiation: effect of dose. Zheng, E Reese, K Field, EA Marquis, S Maloy, D Kaoumi. Journal of Nuclear Materials (2019) 523 421-433 link
- The effect of Ti on the early stages of oxidation of an alumina-forming NiCrAl alloy, T Barth, EA Marquis, Oxidation of Metals. (2019) 92 13–26 link
- Microstructural changes and their effect on hardening in neutron irradiated Fe-Cr alloys, D Bhattacharyya, T Yamamoto, P Wells, EA Marquis, M Bachhav, Y Wu, J Davis, A Xu, GR Odette Journal of Nuclear Materials (2019) 519 274-286 link
- Hierarchical Density-Based Cluster Analysis Framework for Atom Probe Tomography Data, I Ghamarian, EA Marquis. Ultramicroscopy. (2019) 200 28-38 link. Codes (DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3572572) are available here. Please send us feedback!
- Stability and strain-driven evolution of β’ precipitate in Mg-Y alloys, ELS Solomon, AR Natarajan, A Mohan Roy, V Sundararaghavan, A Van der Ven, EA Marquis, Acta Materialia. (2019) 166 148-157 link
- Atom Probe Tomography Interlaboratory Study on Clustering analysis in experimental data using the maximum separation distance approach, Y Dong, A Etienne, A Frolov, S Fedotova, K Fujii, Koji Fukuya, C Hatzoglou, E Kuleshova, K Lindgren, A London, A Lopez, S Lozano-Perez, Y Miyahara, Y Nagai, K Nishida, B Radiguet, DK Schreiber, N Soneda, M Thuvander, T Toyama, J Wang, F Sefta, P Chou, EA Marquis, Microscopy & Microanalysis. (2019) 25 356-366 link
- Flux effects in precipitation under irradiation – simulation of Fe-Cr alloys, J-H Ke, E Reese, EA Marquis, GR Odette, D Morgan, Acta Materialia (2019) 164, 586-601 link.
- Interpreting the Presence of an Additional Oxide Layer in Analysis of Metal Oxides–Metal Interfaces in Atom Probe Tomography. M Bachhav, G Pawar, F Vurpillot, R Danoix, F Danoix, B Hannoyer, Y Dong, EA Marquis, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2018) 123, 1313-1319 link
- PRISMS: An Integrated, Open-Source Framework for Accelerating Predictive Structural Materials Science, LK Aagesen, F Adams, JE Allison, WB Andrews, V Araullo-Peters, T Berman, Z Chen, S Daly, S Das, S DeWitt, S Ganesan, K Garikipati, V Gavini, A Githens, M Hedstrom, Z Huang, HV Jagadish, JW Jones, J Luce, EA Marquis, A Misra, D Montiel, P Motamarri, AD Murphy, AR Natarajan, S Panwar, B Puchala, L Qi, S Rudraraju, K Sagiyama, ELS Solomon, V Sundararaghavan, G Tarcea, GH Teichert, JC Thomas, K Thornton, A Van der Ven, Z Wang, T Weymouth, C Yang, JOM, The Mineral, Metals and Materials Society, Warrendale, PA, October 2018, p 1-17 link
- The role of surface deformation in the oxidation response of Type 304 SS in high temperature deaerated water, KB Fisher, BD Miller, EC Johns, EA Marquis, Corrosion Science (2018) 141 88-96 link
- Early oxidation behavior of Si coated titanium, by K Chou, P-W Chu, EA Marquis, Corrosion Science (2018) 140 297-308 link; Data on the early oxidation of SiO2-coated pure Ti and bulk Ti5Si3 at 800 °C, Data in Brief (2018) 20 1263-1268 link
- Influence of surface relaxation on APT analysis of solute atoms, C Oberdorfer, T Withrow, L-J Yu, K Fisher, EA Marquis, and W Windl, Materials Characterization (2018) 146 324-335 link
- Sensitization and Stress Corrosion Crack Response of Dual Certified Type 304/304L Stainless Steel, KB Fisher, BD Miller, EC Johns, R Hermer, C Brown, EA Marquis, Corrosion (2018) 74(7) 737-746 link
- STEM and APT Characterization of Scale Formation on a La,Hf,Ti-doped NiCrAl Model Alloy, KA Unocic, Y Chen, D Shin, EA Marquis, BA Pint, Micron (2018) 109 41-52 link
- Deformation behavior of β’ and β”’ precipitates in Mg-RE alloys, ELS Solomon, EA Marquis, Materials Letters (2018) 216(1) 67-69 link
- On α’ composition in thermally annealed and neutron-irradiated Fe- 9-18Cr alloys, ER Reese, M Bachhav, P Wells, T Yamamoto, GR Odette, EA Marquis, Journal of Nuclear Materials (2018) 500, 192-198 link
- Dose rate dependence of Cr precipitation in an ion-irradiated Fe-18Cr alloy, ER Reese, N Almirall, T Yamamoto, S Tumey, GR Odette, EA Marquis, Scripta Materialia 146 213–217 (2018) 146, 213-217 link
- Microstructure of Localized Corrosion Front on Mg Alloys and the Relationship with Anodic Hydrogen Evolution, P-W Chu, E LeMire, EA Marquis, Corrosion Science 128 253-264 (2017) 128 253-264 link
- Misfit-driven β”’ precipitate composition and morphology in Mg-Nd alloys, S DeWitt, ELS Solomon, AR Natarajan, V Araullo-Peters, S Rudraraju, LK Aagesen, B Puchala, EA Marquis, A Van der Ven, K Thornton, JE Allison. Acta Materialia (2017) 136 378-389 link
- Influence of a silicon-bearing film on the early stage oxidation of pure titanium. K Chou, P-W Chu, CG Levi, EA Marquis. Journal of Materials Science (2017) 52(16), 9884-9894 link.
- The effect of Ni:Co ratio on the elemental phase partitioning in γ-γ′ Ni-Co-Al-Ti-Cr alloys, S.C.H. Llewelyn, K.A. Christofidou, V.J. Araullo-Peters, N.G. Jones, M.C. Hardy, E.A. Marquis, H.J. Stone, Acta Materialia (2017) 131 296-304 link
- Early precipitate morphologies in Mg-Nd-(Zr) alloys, ELS Solomon, V Araullo-Peters, JE Allison, EA Marquis, Scripta Materialia (2017) 128 14-17 link
Conference Proceedings
- On the use of density-based algorithms for the analysis of solute clustering in atom probe tomography data. EA Marquis, V Araullo-Peters, Y Dong, A Etienne, S Fedotova, K Fujii, K Fukuya, E Kuleshova, A Lopez, A London, S Lozano-Perez, Y Nagai, K Nishida, B Radiguet, D Schreiber, N Soneda, M Thuvander, T Toyama, F Sefta, P Chou,In: Jackson J., Paraventi D., Wright M. (eds) Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems – Water Reactors. EDM 2017. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer, Cham Link
- The Effect of Microchemistry on the Crack Response of Lightly Cold Worked Dual Certified Type 304/304L Stainless Steel After Sensitizing Heat Treatment.Fisher K.B., Miller B.D., Johns E.C., Hermer R., Brown C., Marquis E.A. (2018) In: Jackson J., Paraventi D., Wright M. (eds) Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems – Water Reactors. EDM 2017. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer, Cham link
- A snapshot of the microstructural evolution of alloy 800H under heavy ion irradiation, ER Anderson, EA Marquis, Microscopy & Microanalysis (2017)
- Dose Rate Dependence of Cr Clustering in ion-irradiated Fe-18Cr alloys, ER Anderson, GR Odette, N Almirall, S Tumey, EA Marquis, Microscopy & Microanalysis (2017)
- An Atom Probe Tomography Study of Ni-Cr-Al-Ti High Temperature Oxidation, TL Barth and EA Marquis, Microscopy & Microanalysis (2017) link
- Precipitation in an Irradiated 625 plus alloy, L-J Yu and EA Marquis, Microscopy & Microanalysis (2017)
- Aging Behavior of Mg Alloys Containing Nd and Y, ELS Solomon, T Chan, A Chen, B Uttal-Veroff, EA Marquis, Magnesium Technology (2017) 349-352 link
- Microstructure and Chemistry of Electrodeposited Mg Films. MN Bachhav, NT Hahn, KR Zavadil, EG Nelson, AJ Crowe, BM Bartlett, P-W Chu, VJ Araullo-Peters, and EA Marquis, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 163 (13) D1-D6 (2016) link
- The Materials Commons: A Collaboration Platform and Information Repository for the Global Materials Community, B Puchala, G Tarcea, EA Marquis, M Hedstrom, HV Jagadish, JE Allison, JOM, 1-10 (2016) link
- Anodic Hydrogen Evolution and Localized Corrosion during Galvanostatic Polarization of a Peak-Aged Mg-Y-Nd-Zr Alloy, P-W Chu, EA Marquis, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 163 (8), C402-C409 (2016) link
- Three dimensional imaging of shear bands in bulk metallic glass composites, AH Hunter, M Gibbons, V Araullo-Peters, OD Restrepo, SR Niezgoda, W Windl, KM Flores, DC Hofmann, EA Marquis, Journal of Microscopy 264(3):304-310 (2016) link
- On the early stages of precipitation in dilute Mg-Nd alloys, AR Natarajan, E Solomon, B. Puchala, EA Marquis, A Van der Ven, Acta Materialia 108 367–379 (2016) link
- Towards an understanding of tensile deformation in Ti-based bulk metallic glass matrix composites with BCC dendrites, J Kolodziejska, H Kozachkov, K Kranjc, A Hunter, EA Marquis, K Flores, W Johnson, and D Hofmann, Scientific Reports 6 22563 (2016) link
Conference Proceedings
- Comparing Plasma-FIB and Ga-FIB Preparation of Atom Probe Tomography Samples, K Fisher, E Marquis, Microscopy and Microanalysis 22 (S3), 692-693 (2016)
- A Round Robin Experiment: Analysis of Solute Clustering from Atom Probe Tomography Data. EA Marquis, V Araullo-Peters, A Etienne, S Fedotova, K Fujii, K Fukuya, E Kuleshova, A Legrand, A London, S Lozano-Perez, Y Nagai, K Nishida, B Radiguet, D Schreiber, N Soneda, M Thuvander, T Toyama, F Sefta, P Chou. Microscopy and Microanalysis 22 (S3), 666-667 (2016)
- Field Evaporation Behavior of Metal Oxide/Metal Interfaces, M Bachhav, F Vurpillot, F Danoix, R Danoix, B Hannoyer, EA Marquis, Microscopy and Microanalysis 22 (S3), 678-679 (2016)
- Oxide Scales Revealed by Atom Probe Tomography. Y Dong, T Barth, Y Chen, EA Marquis, Microscopy and Microanalysis 22 (S3), 656-657 (2016)
- Multi-scale Characterization of Oxidized Zirconium Alloys Y Dong, AT Motta, EA Marquis , Microscopy and Microanalysis 22 (S3), 1496-1497 (2016)
- On Growth and Chemistry of Electrodeposited Mg Layers with Electrolytes Having Varying Cl Content for Battery Application, M Bachhav, E Nelson, A Crowe, B Bartlett, N Hahn, K Zavadil, PW Chu, EA Marquis, Microscopy and Microanalysis 22 (S3), 1302-1303 (2016)
- The structure of ß” and ß’ in an Aged Mg‐Nd Alloy, ELS Solomon, EA Marquis, Magnesium Technology. 151-154 (2016) link
- Effects of the local structure dependence of evaporation fields on field evaporation behavior, L Yao, T Withrow, O Restrepo, W Windl, EA Marquis, Applied Physics Letters 107, 241602 (2015) link
- Microchemical and microstructural evolution of AISI 304 stainless steel irradiated in EBR-II at PWR-relevant DPA rates, Y Dong, BH Sencer, F Garner, EA Marquis Journal of Nuclear Materials 467(2) 692–702 (2015) link
- Linking the Microstructure of a Heat-Treated WE43 Mg Alloy with its Corrosion Behavior, P-W Chu, EA Marquis, Corrosion Science 101 94-104 link
- EELS and Atom Probe Tomography study of the evolution of the metal/oxide interface during zirconium alloy oxidation, B de Gabory, Y Dong, A Motta, EA Marquis. Journal of Nuclear Materials (2015) 462 304-309 link
- Exposing the sub-surface of historical daguerreotypes and the effects of sulfur-induced corrosion, EA Marquis, Y Chen, J Kohanek, Y Dong, S Centeno, Corrosion Science (2015) 94 438-444 link
- Atom probe tomography applied to the analysis of irradiated microstructures, EA Marquis, Journal of Materials Research (2015) 30(9) 1222-1230 link
- Chemistry and morphology of b’ precipitates in an aged Mg-Nd-Y-Zr alloy, E Sitzmann, EA Marquis, Philosophical Magazine Letters (2015) 95(1) 7-13 link
Conference Proceedings
- The effect of cold work on the crack response of dual certified type 304/304L stainless steel containing boron, KB Fisher, BD Miller, EC Johns, R Hermer, C Brown, EA Marquis, 17th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems – Water Reactors August 9-12, 2015, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- Atomic Scale Investigation of Orthopyroxene and Olivine Grain Boundaries by Atom Probe Tomography, M Bachhav, Y Dong, P Skemer and EA Marquis, Microscopy and Microanalysis (2015) 21(S3) pp 1315 – 1316
- Integrated APT/t-EBSD for Grain Boundary Analysis of Thermally Grown Oxide on a Ni-Based Superalloy, Y Chen, KP Rice, TJ Prosa, EA Marquis and RC Reed, Microscopy and Microanalysis (2015) 21(S3) pp 687 – 688
- Microscopic Characterization of Electrodeposited Mg Layers for Battery Application, M Bachhav, E Nelson, A Crowe, B Bartlett, N Hahn, K Zavadil, P-W Chu and EA Marquis, Microscopy and Microanalysis (2015) 21(S3) pp 335 – 336
- Interfacial solute segregation in the thermally grown oxide of thermal barrier coating structures, Y Chen, RC Reed, EA Marquis, Oxidation of Metals (2014) 82(5-6) 457-467 link
- Microstructural changes in a neutron-irradiated Fe-15at.%Cr alloy, M Bachhav, GR Odette, EA Marquis,Journal of Nuclear Materials (2014) 454(1-3) 381-386 link
- Microstructural changes in a neutron-irradiated Fe-6at.%Cr alloy, M Bachhav, L Yao, GR Odette, EA Marquis, Journal of Nuclear Materials (2014) 453(1-3) 334-339 link
- Radiation-induced Ostwald ripening in Oxide Dispersion Strengthened ferritic steels irradiated at high ion dose, J Ribis, M-L Lescoat, Y Chen, EA Marquis, S Menut, J-L Bechade, S Schlutig, B Sitaud, Y Serruys, P Trocellier, Y De Carlan, A. Legris, Acta Materialia (2014) 78(1) 328-340 link
- Quantitative atom probe tomography characterization of microstructures in a proton irradiated 304 steel, Y Chen, P Chou, EA Marquis, Journal of Nuclear Materials (2014) 451 130-136 link
- Oxide dispersion strengthened Fe-12Cr steel in three dimensions: An electron tomography study, V de Castro, P Rodrigo, EA Marquis, S Lozano-Perez, Journal of Nuclear Materials (2014) 444 416-420 link
- Alpha’ precipitation in neutron-irradiated Fe-Cr alloys, M Bachhav, GR Odette, EA Marquis, Scripta Materialia (2014) 74 48-51 link
- On the current role of atom probe tomography in materials characterization and materials science, EA Marquis, M Bachhav, Y Chen, Y Dong, L Gordon, A McFarland, Current Opinions in Solid State and Materials Science (2013) 17 217-223 link
- Atom probe tomography study of alloying element distributions in Zr alloys and their oxides, Y Dong, A Motta, EA Marquis,Journal of Nuclear Materials (2013) 442(1-3) 270-281 link
- Atom probe tomography analysis of different modes of Sb intermixing in GaSb quantum dots and wells, AJ Martin, AH Hunter, TW Saucer, V Sih, EA Marquis, J Millunchick, Applied Physics Letters (2013) link
- Lattice misfit during ageing of a polycrystalline nickel-base superalloy, DM Collins, L Yan, EA Marquis, LD Connor, JJ Ciardiello, AD Evans, HJ Stone, Acta Materialia (2013) 61(20) 7791-7804 link
- Effect of grain boundary orientation on radiation-induced segregation in a Fe-15.2 at.%Cr alloy, R. Hu, G.D.W Smith, E.A. Marquis, Acta Materialia (2013) 61(9) 3490-3498 link
- The disintegration of GaSb/GaAs nanostructures upon capping, A.J. Martin, J. Hwang, E.A. Marquis, E. Smakman, T.W. Saucer, G.V. Rodriguez, A. Hunter, V. Sih, P.M. Koenraad, J.D. Philips, J. Millunchick, Applied Physics Letters (2013) 102(11) 113103 link
- The formation of oxide particles in oxide-dispersion strengthened ferritic steels during processing, C.A. Williams, P. Unifantowicz, N. Baluc, D. Haley, G.D.W. Smith, E.A. Marquis, Acta Materialia (2013) 61(6) 2219-2235 link
- Quantifying the composition of yttrium and oxygen rich nanoparticles in oxide dispersion strengthened steels, C.A. Williams, G.D.W. Smith, E.A. Marquis, Ultramicroscopy (2013) 125 10-17 link
- Interfacial morphology development and solute trapping behavior during rapid solidification of an Al–Li–Cu alloy, D.W. Heard, J. Boselli, R. Rioja, E.A. Marquis, R. Gauvin, M. Brochu, Acta Materialia (2013) 61(5) 1571-1580 link
Conference Proceedings
- Quantitative Compositional Analysis of Fluorhydroxyapatite by Atom Probe Tomography, M.N. Bachhav, S.-R. Chang, A. McFarland, E.A. Marquis and B. Clarkson, Microscopy and Microanalysis (2013) 19(S2) 184-185 link
- Defining clusters in APT reconstructions of ODS steels, C.A. Williams, D. Haley, E.A. Marquis, G.D.W. Smith, M.P. Moody, Ultramicroscopy (2012)
- As-coated thermal barrier coating: structure and chemistry, Y. Chen, R.C. Reed, E.A. Marquis, Scripta Materialia 67(9) 779-782 (2012) link
- New Insights Into The Atomic-Scale Structures And Behavior Of Steels, E.A. Marquis, P.-Pa Choi, F. Danoix, K. Kruska, S. Lozano-Perez, D. Ponge, D. Raabe, and C.A. Williams, Microscopy Today 20(4) 44-48 (2012)
- Hardening of Self Ion Implanted Tungsten and Tungsten 5-wt% Rhenium, D.E.J. Armstrong, X. Yi, E.A. Marquis, S.G. Roberts, J. Nuclear Materials 432(1) 428-436 (2012)
- Characterization of Oxidation and Reduction of Pt-Ru and Pt-Rh-Ru Alloys by Atom-Probe Tomography and Comparison with Pt-Rh, T. Li, P. Bagot, E.A. Marquis, S.C.E. Tsang, G.D.W. Smith, J. Physical Chemistry (116(7) 4760-4766 2012)
- The effect of Ti on the coarsening behavior of oxide nanoclusters in oxide-dispersion-strengthened steels after annealing at 1200°C, C.A. Williams, G.D.W. Smith, E.A. Marquis, Scripta Materialia 67(1) 108-111 (2012)
- Characterization of Oxidation and Reduction of a Palladium-Rhodium Alloy by Atom-Probe Tomography, T. Li, P. Bagot, E.A. Marquis, S.C. Tsang, G.D.W Smith, Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2012)
Conference Proceedings
- Multi scale characterization of stress corrosion cracking of Alloy X750, K. Fisher, S. Teysseyre E.A. Marquis, MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive 1519 (2013). link
- Highly monodispersed core-shell particles created by solid-state reactions, V. Radmilovic, C. Ophus, E.A. Marquis, M.D. Rossell, A. Tolley, A. Gautam, M. Asta, U. Dahmen, Nature Materials 10 710 (2011)
- Characterization of oxidation and reduction of a platinum–rhodium alloy by atom-probe tomography, T. Li, E.A. Marquis, P. Bagot, C.E. Tsang, G.D.W. Smith, Catalysis Today 175 552 (2011)
- Hydrogen Production for Portable Fuel Cells from Formic Acid Decomposition over Ag Core-Pd Shell Nano-catalyst at Room Temperature, K. Tedsree, T. Li, S. Jones, C.W.A. Chan, K.M.K. Yu, P. Bagot, E.A. Marquis, G.D.W. Smith, S.C.E. Tsang, Nature Nanotechnology 6 302 (2011)
- A systematic approach for the study of radiation induced segregation/depletion at grain boundaries in steels, E.A. Marquis, R. Hu, T. Rousseau, Journal of Nuclear Materials 413 1 (2011)
- Three dimensional atom probe imaging of GaAsSb quantum rings, A. Beltran, E.A. Marquis, A.G. Taboada, J.M. Ripalda, J.M. Garcia, S.I. Molina, Ultramicroscopy 111(8) 1073 (2011)
- Stability of second phase particles in ODS alloys, V. de Castro, E.A. Marquis, S. Lozano-Perez, M.L. Jenkins, Acta Materialia 59(10) 3927 (2011)
- Effects of heavy-ion irradiation on solute segregation to dislocations in oxide-dispersion-strengthened Eurofer 97 steel. C.A. Williams, J. Hyde, G.D.W. Smith, E.A. Marquis,Journal of Nuclear Materials 412(1) 100-105 (2011) link
- Spatial distribution of chromium atoms in doped indium oxide, D. Payne, E.A. Marquis, Chemistry of Materials 23(5) 1085 (2011)
- Evolution of tip shape during field evaporation of complex multilayer structures, E.A. Marquis, B.P. Geiser, T.J. Prosa, D.J. Larson, Journal of Microscopy 241 225 (2011) link
- Manganese diffusion in annealed magnetic tunnel junctions with MgO tunnel barriers, D.J. Larson, E.A. Marquis, P.M. Rice, T.J. Prosa, B.P. Geiser, S.-H. Yang, S.S.P. Parkin, Scripta Materialia 64(7) 673-676 (2011)
- Advances in the reconstruction of atom probe tomography data, B. Gault, D. Haley, F. de Geuser, M.P. Moody, E.A. Marquis, D.J. Larson, B.P. Geiser, Ultramicroscopy 111(6) 448 (2011)
- Analytical characterization of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Steels for Fusion Reactors, V. de Castro, S. Lozano-Perez, E.A. Marquis, M. A. Auger, T. Leguey, R. Pareja, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 27(4) 719(2011)
Conference Proceedings
- Atom probe tomography analysis of Ti-Y-O clustering during processing of nanoscale oxide particles in 14%Cr ODS ferritic steels, C.A. Williams, P. Unifantowicz, Z. Oksiuta, N. Baluc, G.D.W. Smith, E.A. Marquis, 2010 MRS Fall Meeting Proceedings. link
- Solid State Interfaces: Toward an atomistic understanding of structure, properties and behavior, D.L. Medlin, M.J. Demkovicz, E.A. Marquis, JOM 61 (12) 51 (2010)
- Probing the improbable: imaging carbon in alumina, E.A. Marquis, N.A. Yahya, D.J. Larson M.K. Miller, R.I. Todd, Materials Today 13, 42 (2010)
- High-resolution nanostructural investigation of Zn4Sb3 alloys , B. Gault, E.A. Marquis, D.W. Saxey, G.M. Hughes, D. Mangelinck, E.S. Toberer, G.J. Snyder, Scripta Materialia 63(7) 784 (2010)
- Applications of atom-probe tomography to the characterization of solute behavior, E.A. Marquis and J.M. Hyde, Materials Sci. Eng. R 69 (4-5) 37 (2010)
- Impact of laser pulsing on reconstruction of atom-probe tomography data, B. Gault, A. La Fontaine, M.P. Moody, S.P. Ringer, E.A. Marquis, Ultramicroscopy 110(9) 1215 (2010)
- Nanoscale characterization of ODS Eurofer97 Steel: an atom-probe tomography study, C. Williams, E.A. Marquis, A. Cerezo, G.D.W. Smith, Journal of Nuclear Materials 400(1) 37 (2010)
- Effect of P content on Stress Relaxation and clustering Behavior in Cu-Ni-P Alloys, Y. Aruga, D.W. Saxey, E.A. Marquis, H. Shishido, Y. Sumino, A. Cerezo, and G.D.W. Smith, Materials Transactions 51(10) 1802 (2010)
- Nuclear reactor materials at the atomic scale, E.A. Marquis, J.M. Hyde, D.W. Saxey, S. Lozano-Perez, V. de Castro, D. Hudson, C.A. Williams, S. Humphry-Baker, G.D.W. Smith, Materials Today 12(11) 30-37 (2009)
- Microstructural characterization of Y2O3 ODS–Fe–Cr model alloys, V. de Castro, T. Leguey, A. Muñoz, M.A. Monge, R. Pareja, E.A. Marquis, S. Lozano-Perez, M.L. Jenkins, J. Nuclear Materials 386-388 449 (2009)
- Structural Materials: Understanding atomic-scale microstructures, E.A. Marquis, M.K. Miller, D. Blavette, S.P. Ringer, C.K. Sudbrack, G.D.W. Smith, MRS Bulletin 34(10) 725 (2009)
- Effect of Solute Clusters on Stress Relaxation Behavior in Cu-Ni-P Alloys, Y. Aruga, D.W. Saxey, E.A. Marquis, H. Shishido, Y. Sumino, A. Cerezo, and G.D.W. Smith, Metall. & Mater. Transactions A, 40(12) 2888 (2009)
- Towards better 3-D reconstructions by combining electron tomography and atom-probe tomography, I. Arslan, E.A. Marquis, M. Homer, M.A. Heckmary, N.C. Bartelt, Ultramicroscopy 108(12) 1579 (2008)
- Monodisperse Al3(LiScZr) core/shell precipitates in Al alloys, V. Radmilovic, A. Tolley, E.A. Marquis, M.D. Rossell, Z. Lee, U. Dahmen, Scripta Materialia 58 529 (2008)
- Core/shell structures of oxygen-rich nanofeatures in oxide-dispersion strengthened FeCr alloys, E.A. Marquis, Applied Physics Letters 93, 181904 (2008) link
- Chromatic aberrations in the field evaporation of small precipitates, E.A. Marquis and F. Vurpillot, Microscopy & Microanalysis 14 (6) 561 (2008) link
- A Reassessment of the Metastable Miscibility Gap in Al-Ag Alloys by Atom Probe Tomography, E.A. Marquis, Microscopy & Microanalysis 13, 484 (2007) link
- Atom Probe Tomography Today, A. Cerezo, P.H. Clifton, M.J. Galtrey, C.J. Humphreys, T.F. Kelly, D.J. Larson, S. Lozano-Perez, E.A. Marquis, R.A. Oliver, G. Sha, K. Thompson, M. Zandbergen, and R.L. Alvis, Materials Today 10(12), 36 (2007)
- Stabilization of extended stacking faults by grain boundary junction interactions, E.A. Marquis, D.L. Medlin and F. Léonard, Acta Materialia 55, 5917 (2007)
Conference Proceedings
- Dopant distribution in thermoelectric PbTe alloys, E.A. Marquis, M. Hekmaty, A. Morales, D.L. Medlin, Microscopy & Microanalysis 13 (Suppl. 2) 1646 (2007)
- Thermal stability of Ni-Mn electrodeposits, A.A. Talin, E.A. Marquis, S.H. Goods, J.J. Kelly, M.K. Miller, Acta Materialia 54(7), 1935 (2006)
- Effects of current density on the structure of Ni and Ni-Mn electrodeposits, E.A. Marquis, A.A. Talin, J.J. Kelly, S.H. Goods, and J.R. Michael, Journal of Applied electrochemistry 36(6), 669 (2006)
- Composition evolution of nanoscale Al3Sc precipitates in an Al-Mg-Sc Alloy: Experiments and computations, E.A. Marquis, D.N. Seidman, M. Asta, C. Woodward, Acta Materialia 54(1), 119 (2006)
- Structural duality of 1/3<111> twin boundary disconnection, E.A. Marquis and D.L. Medlin, Phil. Mag. Letters 85(8), 387 (2005)
- Coarsening kinetics of nanoscale Al3Sc precipitates in an Al-Mg-Sc alloy, E.A. Marquis and D.N. Seidman, Acta Materialia 53(15), 4259 (2005)
- Finite size effects on the structure of grain boundaries, E.A. Marquis, J.C. Hamilton, D.L. Medlin, F. Léonard, Physical Review Letters 93, 156101 (2004)
- Nanostructural evolution of Al3Sc precipitates in an Al-Sc-Mg alloy by three-dimensional atom-probe microscopy, E.A. Marquis and D.N. Seidman, Surf. Interf. Analysis 36(5-6), 559 (2004)
- Mg segregation at Al/Al3Sc heterophase interfaces on an atomic scale: experiments and computations, E.A. Marquis, D.N. Seidman, M. Asta, C. Woodward, V. Ozolins, Physical Review Letters 91(3), 036101 (2003)
- Effect of Mg addition on the creep and yield behavior of an Al-Sc alloy, E.A. Marquis, D.N. Seidman, D.C. Dunand, Acta Materialia 51(16), 4751 (2003)
- Precipitation strengthening at ambient and elevated temperatures of heat-treatable Al(Sc) alloys, E.A. Marquis, D.N. Seidman, D.C. Dunand, Acta Materialia 50(16), 4021 (2002); Erratum in 51(1), 285 (2003)
- Model for creep threshold stress in precipitation-strengthened alloys with coherent particles, E.A. Marquis and D.C. Dunand, Scripta Materialia 47(8), 503 (2002)
- Nanoscale structural evolution of Al3Sc precipitates in Al(Sc) alloys, E.A. Marquis and D.N. Seidman, Acta Materialia 49(10), 1909 (2001)